The New Zealand Football Association apologizes after offensive comments were made about Maori players

The New Zealand Football Association apologizes after offensive comments were made about Maori players

The New Zealand Rugby Union has apologized after publishing a report criticizing the management of the women’s team, accusing it of favouritism and making offensive remarks by several players of Maori or Pacific Islander descent. “This report highlights that we haven’t done everything right and regret not providing all the tools needed for our teams to succeed.The association’s chief executive, Mark Robinson, said in a statement late on Monday, after the publication of an investigation.cultural and environmentalIn the Black Ferns, the favorites to win their sixth world title this year on their home soil.

It was carried out by an independent team after accusations from T Kura Ngata prostitute – Irinjamat (30 years old, 33 caps), who announced in December that he suffers from “nervous breakdownThe player had noticeably expressed her regret on her Instagram account.Comments made by the technical director» Glenn Moore on his return from the disastrous tour of the Northern Hemisphere (2 heavy defeats against England, then 2 more against France). According to her, he told her that “Not worth choosing“or it was”I just kept playing the guitar“.”I felt like everything I did was wrong‘, she added.

According to the report, the situation during this tour “Not well managed or supervised“The Te Kura Ngata-Aerengamate is a criticism shared by other players, notably of Māori descent, the indigenous Polynesian population of New Zealand, or the South Pacific islands, which respectively account for half and a quarter” of the effective. They made it clear that they did not complain out of fear.”It affects their chances of selectionThe report’s authors also deplore the administration’s focus on players’ weight rather than their performance, which has prompted some of them.To be ashamed of their bodies»» and advocating for better internal communication, particularly on issues of gender, culture or sexuality.

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The Federation is committed to following the recommendations of this report and confirms that some of them have already been implemented, noting in particular the appointment of Wayne Smith last week to the position of “technical trainerTogether with Glenn Moore, before the World Cup. Smith was part of the All Blacks coaching staff during the last two World Cup wins (2011, 2015).

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