“The left must forget itself in order to get out of its small, secluded space.”

“The left must forget itself in order to get out of its small, secluded space.”

Dear Benoit Hamon,

You are rightThere is no doubt on the left a base of values ​​by which many identify themselves. Of course, no one will say the opposite. We must act quickly and forcefully in the face of global warming and the economic and social crisis afflicting our country. The results are shared widely and fear invades us more and more every day. However, to say that 2022 is the last date has nothing to do with the politician. primary.

Left segmented

As you can see, the question today is not a question of values, but a question of concrete political projects that are being put in place to govern the country in the face of these great challenges. And it is not true that every union deserves, even on a very small common denominator. The context is not about a potential political victory for one of the forces forming on the left – they are all losers in 2022. So, she says: “After all, if differences dominate the rapprochement, let’s save ourselves the falsity of a useless family reunion that will add an extra layer of hatred and disappointment in the left-wing electorate.”

These differences – a word that may be very weak – dominate rapprochement, and will undoubtedly stop the emergence of an ambitious joint national political project. ”

Indeed, within the left, there are already deep divisions over the European Union, decentralization, labor, anti-racism, and over many other topics that logically produce regular political struggles. These topics are not secondary, they are primary in that they foreshadow very different forms of community organization. Without transcending all of them, these prominent animosities do not allow people, logically, to define PS, EELV, IF, or PC in a coherent political space. These differences – perhaps a very weak word – dominate rapprochement, and will undoubtedly stop the emergence of an ambitious joint national political project. It is a matter of substance and not arrogance, even if vanity pervades.

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Above all, with regard to these questions that divide the left, there is no clear distance between two camps that could rationally divide. Approaches and disagreements are readjusting and rearranging the left on each topic. Conflicts also work within the parties themselves. Everything is disassembled. This great turmoil and stalemate in the organizations impedes the necessary historical clarifications. The left, as it is, is a formless, fading political space.

The 2017 presidential elections and the yellow vest crisis showed that their collapse was so far imminent. Recent polls by FIFG and Elabe indicate that his death is now recorded. ”

Therefore, to make the French believe that a federation of left-wing parties is both possible and desirable, he will continue to lie to them. We must tell the truth to the French, for the left is no longer the true signifier of the republican ideal of liberation that it was able to be. It no longer exists as such, and any union of forces that claims to be sterile and traitorous. The dignity of acting is found by this fact.

The 2017 presidential elections and the yellow vest crisis showed that their collapse was so far imminent. Recent polls by FIFG and Elabe indicate that his death is now recorded.

However, this does not mean that his idol, which was mentioned before, also died. No, he is now simply an orphan from a tangible political group, of the characters that personify him, the aesthetic that reshapes him and the camp that holds him in a harmonious way. Building a new proposal for a social contract, anchored in the values ​​of participation, solidarity and the environment and which brings back the magic of life, is indeed a historical necessity.

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“Far from some of these childish fights detached from common sense, she must finally come to grips with the true social and cultural conditions of victory.”

To create this true aggiornamento, the left must forget itself in order to extricate itself from its small, secluded space and descend from its moral base in which it is always convinced that it is right and to be on top. Beyond some of these childish struggles detached from common sense, you must finally be aware of the true social and cultural conditions of victory. Therefore, it is evident that some will still be stuck in their small communal fence and will only continue to talk and understand each other among themselves. For others, it will not be necessary to unify the left, but rather to divide the left. This school dropout is inevitable in order to reconnect with the country and then reconfigure it from the aspirations and misfortunes of the majority of the French people.

Yes, it is a stressful time to move forward and avoid many disasters.

Read also:Left Union: A meeting to keep up with the appearances?

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