The largest kiwi harvest to date begins, ‘Fruchtportal’

March 10, 2021

The 2021 kiwi season is expected to be another record-breaking year, as more kiwis will be produced than ever before. New Zealand Kiwi Fruit Growers (NZKGI) issued their forecast for Record yields of green and gold kiwis are smashing as the 2021 season kicks off, when the first commercial crop is harvested in Gisborne in early March.

Image source: Kiwi
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NZKGI Managing Director Nikki Johnson said the promising prediction came despite the mixed season progression for farmers.

Also this week, the NZKGI campaign began to recruit seasonal workers. NZKGI has been working for several months to prepare for the season’s opening and tremendous business requirements. NZKGI’s strategy to attract workers is to obtain the largest amount of information and awareness about seasonal work available to prospective workers through a wide range of mediums and channels and to correct any misconceptions.

This year, NZKGI is supported by the Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Primary Industries (especially with the “The Chance Grows Here” campaign) who are working to develop some excellent initiatives, events and marketing to get the message across about job opportunities in the Kiwi.

These: NZKGI

Release date: 10/3/2021

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