The Israeli army introduces artificial intelligence into the battle

The Israeli army introduces artificial intelligence into the battle


Decryption – The Israeli army could have used a targeting assistance program called Habsura, to identify targets in the Palestinian Strip.

Part of the fiction and much of the mystery surrounds the Israeli military’s use of artificial intelligence technologies. According to an investigation by the Israeli-Palestinian magazine +972, published last week, the Israeli military used a targeting assistance program called Habsura (or Bible in English) to identify targets in the Palestinian enclave. “Using artificial intelligence, and through rapid and automated processing of intelligence, (This system) Produces a recommendation“, said a statement issued by the Israeli forces on November 2. Even if it remains reserved on the subject, the attack on Gaza, in response to the brutal attack that occurred on October 7, constitutes a testing ground for technology A destroyer that is the envy of all armies. The IDF has made technological superiority over its opponents a point of doctrine.

If they correctly learn how to set specific goals, AI programs…

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