The first science fair in Rabat arrives at the French International High School André Malraux

The first science fair in Rabat arrives at the French International High School André Malraux

The science fair promises to be more than just a science competition; It is a celebration of curiosity, creativity and innovation in young minds. By inviting students from grades six to nine to explore the mysteries of science through research and experimental projects, this event provides a platform to express their creativity and passion for scientific fields.

The four subjects offered – Biology and Geology, Physics and Chemistry, Engineering and Environment – ​​offer a wide range of possibilities for young researchers. Whether exploring our planet's fascinating ecosystems, delving into the fundamental principles of matter and energy, designing innovative solutions to solve everyday problems or proposing initiatives to conserve our environment, participants are encouraged to unleash their imagination and creativity.

As early as September, these young pioneers began thinking about the science fair, identifying topics, developing rules of participation and mobilizing their comrades.
Their enthusiasm and determination made it possible to bring to life a major event, highlighting the exceptional scientific potential of younger generations.

Behind the success of the first science exhibition of the French International School André Malraux, stands a passionate and determined young man, Mehdi Ghalib. Thanks to his initiative and infectious enthusiasm, this unique event was able to see the light of day.

Mahdi stated: “Personally, I came up with the idea for this project. I was able, without much difficulty, I must admit, to convince the administration and teachers to agree, as well as a few friends to design and organize the project. The event I personally enjoyed very much.”

“We organized the science fair to allow the students to develop their ingenuity and creativity, because this, in my opinion, is the future of Morocco. I also noticed that this project allowed many students to discover the virtues and difficulties of teamwork. This is also great,” he adds.

The promise of an exceptional prize of 5,000 dirhams for the most prominent projects, 2,500 dirhams for first place, 1,500 dirhams for second place, and 1,000 dirhams for third place, constitutes an additional incentive for students to push the limits of their abilities and strive towards excellence. But beyond the competition, the Science Fair offers a day full of discovery and learning.

Students will have a unique opportunity to present their projects in front of a jury composed of scientific experts and figures from the world of education, thus obtaining valuable and constructive feedback on their work. In addition, they will be able to discover their classmates' projects, exchange ideas, and make connections with other science enthusiasts.

Fun and interactive workshops led by specialists will provide participants with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specific fields while having a good time, while meetings with science enthusiasts and the discovery of exciting study paths will open new perspectives on scientific and technological careers.

The Lycée Français International André-Malraux Science Fair promises to be an unmissable event for all young scientists. It is a unique opportunity to celebrate science, develop critical thinking, commit to a better future, and develop a passion for discovery and innovation in future generations.

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