The first images of Ganymede were taken by the Juno probe

The first images of Ganymede were taken by the Juno probe

It was launched in 2011. Since 2016, it has been orbiting Jupiter. And on Monday, June 7, 2021, the Juno mission passed near Ganymede, the largest moon on the largest planet in our solar system. Today, NASA is unveiling the first images of this close-up flight.

There it is. This Monday, June 7, 2021, the mission Juno Only 1038 kilometers passed over it Ganymede. More than twenty years after flyover Closer to the probe Galileo. At a speed of about 66800 km / h, she had only 25 minutes to immortalize the moment. Juno has already returned two images to Earth that show the surface of the larger image the moon from Jupiter It shows great detail. Clearly distinct pits, dark terrain, bright terrain, and bondable structures Tectonic Faults.

We will take our time to draw scientific conclusions. Meanwhile, marvel at this heavenly scene.”, Scott Bolton, the principal investigator for the Juno mission, comments in a NASA press release. More pictures are expected in the coming days. And they must give information about Ganymede’s composition, to him ionosphere, to magnetosphere The layer of ice that covers it.

More pictures of Ganymede to come

With its green filter, the photographer is in Light Visible JunoCam captured nearly an entire side of the moon covered in water ice with one Precision about a kilometer per pixels. Later, when versions of the same image are available, including red and blue camera filters, photography experts will be able to save an image in the color by Ganymede.

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In addition, the Juno navigation camera, which maintains the orientation of the spacecraft and is able to operate at a low level brightness, took advantage of ideal conditions to provide a black and white image of Ganymede’s dark side – the opposite side of Soleil – While he was bathing in the dim light diffused by him Jupiter. The image resolution ranges between 600 and 900 meters per pixel.

NASA’s space probe flies over the largest moon in the solar system tonight

More than 20 years ago, the Galileo probe got closer to Ganymede like never before. Today, the adventure has been relaunched. The Juno mission is about to fly over Jupiter’s largest moon at just 1,038 kilometers above sea level. The Astronomy scientists Keen to receive data.

Article by Natalie Meyer Posted on 07/06/2021

In May 2000, NASA’s Galileo probe He gave us the earliest images obtained from Ganymede. On Monday evening at 7:35 p.m. KST, the Juno mission will make another close visit to Jupiter’s largest moon. And it will fly over it at an altitude of only 1,038 km. And astronomers expect a lot from him. Because the Juno probe is equipped with sensitive instruments, it is able to see Ganymede like never before.

It is first and foremost Shell water ice Ganymede that will be noticed. The microwave radiometer (MWR) aboard Juno will show how the composition and structure of this ice varies with depth. To better understand the patterns of light and dark that astronomers have already observed on the surface. All while waiting for the in-depth study of Jupiter Ice Explorer satellites (juiceAnd the who – which) who is coming orbiting في About Ganymede in 2032.

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Valuable data coming

Juno will also record data about الرقيق’s thin ionosphere biggest moon Jupiter. Through small changes in Frequency in signs radio Who would have crossed this outer layer ofambiance Ganymede as the probe passes behind the moon. Objective: To understand the correlation between the ionosphere in Ganymede magnetic field essential and magnetosphere Jupiter.

Juno will also collect information about the environment in which the probe will be operating at that time. It will measure high particles energy to establish a Diagnosis From radiation levels.

JunoCam will provide some perhaps breathtaking images of Ganymede. cure for eyes, but this will also help astronomers determine what changes may have occurred on the moon’s surface since the images returned by Voyager and Galileo.

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