The filmmaker travels through the Swiss cantons

The filmmaker travels through the Swiss cantons

swiss cinema movie

The filmmaker travels through the Swiss cantons

In the movie “Chumm mit” by Daniel Felix, which is shown in Stans and Engelberg, in every canton there are hiking scenes of the same length. There are many stories and photos about it, also from Nidwalden and Obwalden.

Filmic high in wind and weather in all Swiss cantons;  The film's cast is about director Daniel Felix (second from right).

Filmic high in wind and weather in all Swiss cantons; The film’s cast is about director Daniel Felix (second from right).

Photo: PD

More than 65,000 kilometers of hiking trails stretch across the country. Filmmaker Daniel Felix and his crew have toured all the Swiss cantons and present a feature-length film with personal impressions and information about the history of yellow hiking trails and map culture. Daniel Felix followed in the footsteps of his father Kurt Felix who died in 2012; Those for hiking and photography. The film shows selected hiking routes, interwoven with the song “Hinderem Berg” by Michael von der Heide.

Daniel Felix has been making his own movies since he was a kid. His various documentaries about railways as well as documentary films «Durs Appenzellerland» It has been successfully shown in many Swiss cinemas.

All cantons should have equal rights

He had the idea of ​​making a documentary about Swiss Walking Trails for cinema many years ago. When asked, Daniel Felix says:

Photographer and director Daniel Felix.

Photographer and director Daniel Felix.

Photo: PD

“My idea was to show a hike in each of the 26 Swiss cantons. Each canton hike takes exactly two minutes. There is a small canton on par with the large canton when it comes to film migration.”

The choice of trails came through a special request that was sent to the cantonal hiking associations with a request for three tips. In canton Nidwalden, the film team opted to take a tour from Niederrickenbach to Musenalp in canton Obwalden from Turren via Schönbüel and Mändli and back again.

The yellow hiking system and quality of Swisstopo hiking maps from the Federal Terrain Bureau are unique and documented in detail in the movie. Various applications such as Swiss Mobil have also made hiking “modern” again, says Daniel Felix and adds: “The beautiful landscape, good sense of exercise and painting in the mountain restaurant has remained after such an effort.”

A book has also been published

Max Iseli of the film’s cast was responsible for the aerial photographs and also wrote the book for the film, which will be released at the same time as the theatrical release. In it, all the tours are outlined, provided with numerous photographic impressions and rich in entertaining texts about what happened during the filming, the author notes that the book can be well read without having to watch the film. But that the book can spark curiosity about the film is intentional. When asked what exactly belongs in his backpack, Daniel Felix said, “Lots of water, Cervelat, a roll, and a film camera.”

note: “Chumm mit” by Daniel Felix is ​​screened in Stans at AFM Cinemas in Obwalden. At the Engelberg cinema.

the book “Chumm mit” by Max Iseli is published by Flugelrad-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-9525572-0-4, and may also be obtained from to be ordered.

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