The CSU party, which is allied with Angela Merkel’s party, recognizes the Social Democrats in the SPD as a priority for forming a coalition.

The CSU party, which is allied with Angela Merkel’s party, recognizes the Social Democrats in the SPD as a priority for forming a coalition.

SPD leader Markus Söder, leader of the Social Democratic Party, admitted on Tuesday, September 28, that he

The Social Democrats of the Social Democratic Party, in the lead German elections, is the priority to try to form the next government, estimated Tuesday 28 September, the Bavarian conservative party CSU, which is allied with Angela Merkel. Leader of the Social Democratic Party “It is clear that Olaf Schultz is the most likely to become a consultant at this time.”CSU leader Marcus Soder said at a press conference

Thus Mr. Soeder stands out clearly from his Christian Democrat counterpart in the Chancellor’s Party (CDU), Armin Laschet: the latter has so far always planned to try to succeed Angela Merkel despite taking second place.

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“No mandate to govern can be morally legitimized by this electoral outcome.” The Conservatives got it, the worst obtained since 1949, said Mr. Sodder, who in the spring had aspired to contest the chancellorship, before having to step down in favor of Mr. Laschet. “The election result cannot be reinterpreted (…), it must be accepted, it is a basic rule of democracy”, Mr. Sodder struck again.

The “traffic light” of the alliance

“The Social Democratic Party is not in front of many, but it is similar to the Union parties” (CDU and CSU), for his part, emphasized the head of the CSU group in the Bundestag, Alexander Dobrendt. “Thus, we cannot claim an automatic right to a union government.” And “We must understand that the Green Party and the Free Democratic Party [Parti libéral] Be the first to discuss with the SPD He added with the intention of forming the next government.

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Such an alliance between the SPD, ecologists and liberals, The “traffic light” is built according to the colors associated with each party, he is here ‘First obvious solution’, assaulted Mr. Sodder.

Mr. Lachet, who had a reputation for always standing on his feet, intended to try to build a team with the Greens and the Liberals. But without the Bavarian party’s contribution, this scenario would no longer hold. He has already been released by many of his camp’s deputies or party executives, and thus sees the noose tightening a little more around him.

This article is reserved for our subscribers Read also Elections in Germany: turmoil in the CDU after the defeat of Armin Laschet in the legislative elections

Al-Qaeda MPs openly demanded the resignation of Mr. Lachet, the owner of the failed election campaign despite his involvement in the main part of Mr. Lachet’s home.I Merkel.

German public opinion seems to have decided unequivocally. About 58% of citizens believe that CDU-CSU does not have the extension “legitimacy” To form the next government, according to a poll conducted by the National Institute of Statistics for the newspaper picture. Mr. Laschet seems to have crystallized all his doubts and resentments: 51% want him to resign as party leader less than a year after his election.

The world with AFP

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