The British variant is under control again in New Zealand

The British variant is under control again in New Zealand

Auckland opens

Auckland (AP) – After a three-day lockdown due to the emergence of the British coronavirus variant in Auckland, measures in New Zealand’s largest city will be lifted substantially.

Schools and stores will likely reopen on Thursday. In addition, meetings of up to 100 people are permitted, provided they adhere to social distancing rules, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Wednesday. She added that all procedures are expected to end on Monday.

Last weekend, three people tested positive for the British variant. And the injured belong to a family in the south of the capital. Health Authority chief Ashley Bloomfield said that in widespread testing, three more people were discovered infected, but they all belonged to the same family.

Due to very strict measures and careful contact tracing, New Zealand with a population of five million has so far successfully combated the virus. The island nation has long since returned to largely normal life. There are again stadiums that are fully occupied without the need for a mask.

In total, only about 2,000 infections are known to date, and 25 people have died in connection with Covid-19. According to the Australian Lowy Institute, New Zealand has shown the best management of the Corona crisis in the world.

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