The Baldur’s Gate 3 boss ended his speech at the Network Game Awards because during the video game Oscars, he had to act fast…

The Baldur’s Gate 3 boss ended his speech at the Network Game Awards because during the video game Oscars, he had to act fast…

Game news The Baldur’s Gate 3 boss ended his speech at the Network Game Awards because during the video game Oscars, he had to act fast…

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If you followed the 2023 Games Awards (live or recorded), you’ve probably heard about the fact that winners are being asked not to stay on stage for more than a minute. Short on time to speak, the Baldur’s Gate 3 boss decided to post his entire speech on Twitter.

Watch Baldur’s Gate 3 on GOG

The much-criticized Game Awards ceremony

Just a week ago, Geoff Keighley made news by presenting the 2023 edition of his own Game Awards ceremony. TRUE Oscars video gameDuring this evening, many future games will be announced. Obviously, as the name suggests, it is also during this event that the best games of the year are rewarded according to their category. If you want to know all the winners, we refer you to our dedicated article.

If I won Game of the Year and dedicated the statue to a member of my team who died during development, and I saw the words “please shorten it” I would be very angry.

However, while developers should be at the center of this party, Those who won awards had to be content with just a few seconds on stage to be able to thank those around them and celebrate their statuette. After a few seconds, the teleprompter signaled the “shortcut” to proceed. A scandal that caused a huge uproar and gave the impression that the developers had stopped talking, in addition to annoying many fans.

The Baldur’s Gate 3 boss had more to say

Although he still has the opportunity to speak a little more than others, The boss of Baldur’s Gate 3 (Swen Vincke) was also a victim of this pacing policy when collecting the prestigious Game of the Year statuette. The opportunity to remind that the game was developed in difficult circumstances (especially due to the pandemic) and that many people died during the production of the game, in particular the main cinematographer who unfortunately passed away last month. However, Venky wanted to say much more than that, so he took advantage of a Twitter post to reveal his speech:

What I wanted to say at the Game Awards

Winning Game of the Year is a huge honor and I first want to thank everyone who voted for us and I want to congratulate all the nominees. This year has been as amazing as it has been competitive and each and every one of you deserves this award.

I want to thank Geoff Keighley and the people who put together The Game Awards for creating an awards show so big that it grabs everyone’s attention. Although 30 seconds is a bit short, the game’s prizes are unparalleled and have been an amazing success.

I wore the armor to The Game Awards because BG3 is a game that couldn’t exist without our community of players and I wanted to honor its importance during development. Dear BG3 community, you sure are.

Making a game like this can only succeed if you have an amazing, talented and passionate team and I’m so lucky to have Larian Studios. They are among the best and did a truly exceptional job.

There are over 2,000 people listed in the credits and since I can’t list them all, I’d like to focus on a group of people who don’t always get the attention they deserve.

QA team, translation team, customer service team, operations team, release team, testing team, and all the other developers at Larian, Baldur’s Gate 3 wouldn’t exist without you, and you all deserve to be proud of your efforts. a job.

I would like to dedicate this award to the friends and family we lost during development, including Jim, our lead cinematic animator who passed away last month and personally to my father who passed away the week before our campaign launched.

You can’t do something like BG3 without the support of the people around you. Personally, I really want to thank 5 special people, a crazy dog ​​and a one-eyed cat for sticking with me.

A big special mention to our translation partners and PitStop Productions who had to use every corner of their building to record a massive amount of dialogue.

To our representatives: You were excellent. I hope that our paths will cross again in the future and that your customers will remain rational :)

I’d also like to especially thank the Dungeons & Dragons teams for giving us carte blanche. I’m so sorry to hear that so many of you have been laid off. It is sad to realize that of the people who were in the original meeting room, almost no one was retained. I hope you have a good future.

There are many other partners I would like to thank. We asked a lot of you, but you did everything you could, and without your efforts, BG3 would not be what it is today.

I’d like to close with the story of a conversation I had a long time ago with an editor. He told me: Fortunately for them, the ideal is games. He said that with exploitation in mind but he was right.

Games are a unique art form, no less important than books, music or cinema. Many developers, myself included, make games because they love seeing others interact with their creations in a way that only games can provide.

They only think of the money generated as a necessary resource to create better games. It is important to remind everyone that this resource is just a means, not an end. All that matters is where we go, how we plan that trip, and what we remember.


Also – BG3 is now available on Xbox.

A speech so poignant it deserved to be delivered in its entirety on the stage of The Game Awards 2023. Let’s hope Geoff Keighley and the ceremony teams got the message and that the next few years will be kinder to award winners.

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