The Argelès-sur-Mer vaccination center moves to Carrère

The Argelès-sur-Mer vaccination center moves to Carrère

With increased allocations from the Regional Health Agency (ARS), the Covid vaccination center installed in the Ferdinand-Buisson room has become very small. Starting Monday April 12, it will be transferred to Espace Jean Carrier.

Dr Pascal Alquire, the referring physician, explains the reason for this step: “As the number of doses available increases, we have to run more appointments. Under these circumstances, we find ourselves a bit cramped in respecting health standards, especially in terms of distance. 15 days ago, we were vaccinating about 100 people a day. At the moment, We have 150 vaccines out of 160 vaccines per day. Within 10 days, we will reach 200/220 with a mid-range perspective of 280 “.

All of these vaccinations are not intended for first-time buyers, because it is also necessary to ensure the second injection, which is performed between 21 and 28 days after the first dose. Dr. Alcuer had to choose: “I only asked for Pfizer, otherwise the administration is too complicated. With Pfizer, you get 6 to 7 doses per bottle, Moderna has 10 to 12. Everyone should have a second dose. First. It will be Johnson & Johnson, who is that!” Not available yet, simpler: there will only be one dose..

For now, a few days before the opening, it’s about filtering out some final purely practical details. “We have to double the tablesAs Marin Castiel, the referring nurse, says, It is too small. The small group of two caregivers, two municipal agents in charge of the equipment, Rose Sol who works within the Community Center for Social Action (CCAS) and Bernadette Michalak Gimbert, the municipality’s counselor, is trying not to do anything. Forget lighting, banners, chairs, trash cans, banners. The computer installations are already programmed and the partitions that check the boxes are already in place.

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On the staff side, everything is set up: Each caregiver team will consist of a doctor assisted by two consulting nurses and three injecting nurses. Bernadette Michalak Gimbert defines: “We also planned to always have two people who take care of the pre-reception. This avoids taking up the medical space for information and other advice. We also have 3 young people in the civil service who have just been recruited to help in this position. Their job is to calm, direct and reassure.”.

With approximately 1,000 square meters available compared to 250 square meters in the Ferdinand-Boisson room, patients will also benefit from increased comfort: many parking spaces are available, there is no floor and a large entrance hall won’t wait outside. The hardest part is likely getting the base appointment, either on site Or by phone at 0800900110.

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