The airline shows children with terminal illnesses the beauty of their country – and chooses a special path for them

The airline shows children with terminal illnesses the beauty of their country – and chooses a special path for them

Air New Zealand flew disabled and terminally ill children over New Zealand on Saturday and chose the kiwi as its route.

Christchurch / Wellington (New Zealand) – The Airline Air New Zealand operated a special flight for critically ill and disabled children and flew a special route for it.

Air New Zealand plane over New Zealand (avatar). © Unsplash/James Coleman

Today, Saturday, there was once again a special highlight for 50 kids from the nonprofit Koro Care: the annual special flight with Air New Zealand.

Once a year, Air New Zealand takes disabled and terminally ill children on a flight over the most beautiful parts of the country.

This year the pilots flew from Christchurch over the South Island and the Tasman Sea as well as parts of the north coast to Wellington. but that is not all. She returned through the entrance and coast of the southern island of Isel.

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By the end of the 2:42-hour flight at the latest, kids’ parents shouldn’t be surprised either: About flight-trackers like Flytradar 24 They can follow the path of the machine and eventually see the image of the kiwi.

The kiwi, a flightless bird whose length does not exceed 35 cm and lives only in New Zealand, is considered the national symbol of the island country. Now kids can also associate the little bird with a fun sightseeing trip.

de charitable organizationChoir Care“The terminally ill and disabled children were able to have nice and uncomplicated trips and trips. However, the parents should not be there to give the children independence.

On trips, volunteer supervisors, who take extra time off from their actual job, look after a maximum of two children. According to their own information, there are also nurses. Neither the organization nor the employees make money with it. Travel expenses are covered by donations.

Air New Zealand has been supporting people who have been making their dreams come true for many years through donations and special flights.

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