The Air and Space Force says goodbye to the legendary Transal.

The Air and Space Force says goodbye to the legendary Transal.

For this weekend photo, let’s take the direction of the Norman sky, more specifically the direction of the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. This is where Air and Space Forces photographers memorialized their farewell tour of the legendary Franco-German aircraft: the Transall C.160 Tactical Transport. This wonderful paint is the result of the always excellent work of Régis “Rage” Rocca.

1963 – 2022: Fifty-nine years of service for the man who was able to represent French-style transport throughout Europe, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and of course in Africa. A powerful aircraft, very likable, capable of landing almost anywhere and in almost any climatic and weather conditions. Transall is simple, it ain’t flying, it’s still flying, which we love, that smells of hot oil and rubber, that makes noises and smoke, that gives children dreams and teachers’ nightmares.
Transall is a big beast, but it’s also women and men who for six decades have been able to bring him back to life. We will miss him, I will really miss this.

Photo © Air and Space Force.

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