Tampons and sanitary towels will soon be provided free of charge in New Zealand schools

Tampons and sanitary towels will soon be provided free of charge in New Zealand schools


Why are tampons free in schools in New Zealand?

The 4 best alternatives to tampons and pads

Menstrual aids, such as tampons and pads, help produce a lot of unwanted and expensive waste. 4 best alternatives in the video!

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Starting in June, all schools in New Zealand will have free tampons and sanitary pads. It is not the first country to take this step.

Berlin. Abdominal pain, dizziness or headache – the physical side effects of interval miscellaneous. Not only the body and mind, but also the wallet, menstruation is a burden every four weeks.

Seven out of ten German women gave in one last year Clear opportunity On behalf of the consumer and the traditional advice portal Sparwelt.de Tampons For disposal (71 percent). 62 percent of women wear ready-to-wear clothesConnect, tied As well as panty liners. Only 15 percent use the reusable type Menstrual cup.

Also read: Tampons, salary, paternity leave – that’s where the woman is disadvantaged

According to the survey, half of menstruating women in Germany spend less than 5 euros per month on these hygiene products. Calculated throughout the year, which is a maximum of € 60. A third of women (36%) said they pay between € 5 and less than € 10 per month. Nearly one in ten (9 percent) spends between 10 euros and less than 15 euros per month. Pain relievers are not included here.

Tampons: Germany reduced value-added tax

So the cost for a woman is more exorbitant than a man in her life – up to 40 years. So there is always a debate about making tampons and sanitary towels cheaper.

Some states are trying through this Reducing the value-added tax The Poverty of the period To fight. In Germany, for example, the value-added tax on menstrual products was reduced from 19 to 7 percent at the start of 2020. Many celebrities include a singer. Lena Mayer Landrott and moderators Charlotte Roche and Jean Bomermann campaigned for it.

Scotland: Schools must offer free tampons and sanitary pads

Scotland It really is a step up: tampons and sanitary pads are already available for free. In November parliament passed a similar bill. The Scottish government should establish a national program to provide menstrual products. Schools and universities are required to offer a selection of these items free of charge to toilets.

“(I am) proud to have voted for this groundbreaking legislation that will make Scotland the first country in the world to offer free menstrual products to those who need them,” the Scottish Prime Minister tweeted Nicola Sturgeon at that time. It is an important procedure for women and girls.

Also read: How does menstrual pain occur and what works against it

Local authorities now have to provide the relevant materials free of charge. Local governments must decide what practical arrangements should be made, but tampons and sanitary pads must be provided with “reasonable ease” and with “reasonable dignity”.

In times of need, women turn to toilet paper

New Zealand – also with a woman at the head of government – now announcing that she will follow the pioneer of Scotland. Starting in June, the state wants to provide free tampons and sanitary pads at all schools. Background: In poor areas of the Pacific, some girls did not go to school because their families could not afford menstrual products.

Also read: Endometriosis: causes and helps with spasticity

New Zealand television reported that many have resorted to other aids such as rags or washable toilet paper out of absolute necessity. Generally speaking, the government wants by 2024 NZ $ 25 million (15 million euros) for the program.

Internet support for New Zealand’s decision

The Prime Minister said that it is estimated that one in twelve students sometimes misses during the study period. Jacinda Ardern. People from all over the world praised the Ardern government’s initiative on social media under hashtags like #tampons and #pads.

Survey by relief organization ‘Place of the period’ According to 73 percent of New Zealanders, they believe that access to menstrual equipment is a human right. 57 percent said “period poverty” is a major problem in the country.

Pilot project in the region Waikato She said the northern island of New Zealand is already a huge success. The school nurse Shelley Boo of Fairfield College said the rush was huge. “I get an email nearly every week telling me that the supply is running out and the warehouse needs to be replenished.” (Jb / dpa)

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