Shatner in Space on Amazon Prime: An Amazon Documentary Showcasing William Shatner’s Journey into Space – Entertainment

William Shatner (second from right) with his space crew. Photo: imago photos / cover photos

As the oldest living person ever, “Raumschiff Enterprise” star William Shatner has traveled to space. Now his adventure turns into a documentary that can be seen on Amazon.

William Shatner (90) fulfilled a dream. Actor Captain Kirk of the “Raumschiff Enterprise” flew into space on October 13, 2021 – as the oldest person ever to live. Amazon Prime Video captured a journey into space with your camera. The documentary Shatner in Space begins December 15 this year on Amazon – but only in North America, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. In other regions, the special should then be watched in early 2022.

William Shatner personally announced the documentary’s starting date at the CCXP Worlds trade fair, As stated in the “Deadline”. The one-hour show not only sheds light on Captain Kirk’s historic space flight, but also highlights before and after. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, 57, has donated to the actor the flight with his space company, Blue Origin.

Fly in space to save the earth? Prince William criticizes Shatner

The flight into space lasted only ten minutes – but it made a lasting impression on Shatner. “My time in space was the deepest experience I could ever imagine,” he said. Al-Kindi was apparently most impressed with seeing Earth from space. “The private documentation of my trip gives an exciting glimpse into that experience, and I hope it inspires the world to realize that we have to go into space to save Earth.”

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For his journey into space, Shatner has also received criticism in many places, including from Prince William (39). He criticized the heir to the British throne Shatner, Bezos and other billionaires who are currently planning to venture into space. The most important thing for him is to stay on Earth and save it from escaping to other planets.

Shatner replied, “He’s a nice, educated guy, but he has the wrong idea.” He and Bezos want to gain new energies in space in order to return them to Earth. “It’s a small step to make better use of space for our purposes.”

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