Seven questions for …: «At Ciudad Real’s ghost airport»

Seven questions for …: «At Ciudad Real’s ghost airport»

Enrico Mosbach, Regional Engineering Director for Europe, Cathay Pacific Airlines in Frankfurt, about favorite destinations, walkways or windows and great onboard experiences.

1. Where did your last flight go?
My last flight to Madrid, although the occasion was a little sad, was still very interesting, as the background of the trip was to find a suitable airport to pause parts of our fleet. During this search, I came across Ciudad Real Airport about 200 kilometers south of Madrid, which has the character of a ghost airport in the middle of nowhere and probably fits perfectly in a science fiction movie.

2. What is your absolute favorite destination?
This is clearly New Zealand so far, because the people there are very nice and helpful, the pristine nature is very diverse and has everything to offer, from lush green valleys where you can bathe in hot springs to snow-capped mountains, any one to ski.

3. What was your best on-board experience?
This was undoubtedly aboard the Christine Eagle 2 (a sport aerobatic double decker plane) owned by my friend and co-worker Philip from CDG. I can only recommend this to anyone who has a stable stomach and has never done anything like this before. The feeling of being suspended upside down with your entire body weight in the seat belts and seeing the world from above through a canopy or pressing into the seat several times your body weight while doing repetitions is amazing in the truest sense of the word.

4. What was the worst flying experience you had?
Private vacation flight from HHN to AGP with one of the big low cost carriers known with R, which was the exact opposite in terms of comfortable travel, as I knew it from our airline. Unfortunately, everything had the feel of a butter flight and had nothing to do with the flying experience at all.

5. Window or corridor?
The windows are always clear if possible, I am always fascinated by the picturesque scenery of the snow-capped Alps or the sunrise approaching Hong Kong with its many small islands and ships in the South China Sea, or to watch how the wings of large-capacity aircraft change by several meters When leaning upwards, wings and engines always function reliably day in and day out.

6. What is the most beautiful airport for you?
So far I would say Hong Kong, simply from the side the airport is relatively new and therefore modern, it looks nice, bright and clean, the staff always seem very friendly due to the Asian mentality and everything with the entry and exit with the biometric passport and the use of electronic channels is very fast, so that you can reach To the departure gate or exit the airport within 30 minutes.

7. Where are you going next?
Yes, that’s a good question, probably more than a business trip to one of our many stops here in Europe in order to coordinate and prepare for the resumption of the flight program with our local service partners.

In the column “Seven Questions for…”, aeroTELEGRAPH always asks people from the aviation and travel industries the same seven questions.

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