Six new subtypes have been identified – healing practice
Often the precursors are not recognized. According to the current study, this is also due
Often the precursors are not recognized. According to the current study, this is also due
When museums were forced to close their doors at the start of the Corona crisis
In the fight against the Corona pandemic, the focus is on vaccines. The search for
Science: Stonehenge was the first to arrive in another country – archaeologists have an amazing
Experts: The death rate could be reduced by 13 percent Vitamin D is often considered
Saarbrücken (dpa) – A survey shows that people’s well-being and mental health in Germany are
Cancer should not be a death sentence today. Cancer deaths have been falling in Germany
News from 12/2/2021 tweet is the name of the National Digital Science Program for
Experts: The death rate could be reduced by 13 percent Vitamin D is often considered
How our brain differs from the brain of Neanderthals? To answer this question, the researchers