Science and the Sea Festival: In Audiern, a coastal walk to discover the names of places – Audiern

Science and the Sea Festival: In Audiern, a coastal walk to discover the names of places – Audiern

On Saturday, as part of the Fête de la science et de la Mer, Marc Arzel trained about thirty people on the coastal road between Pors Péré and Pen Enez in Audierne. A road he knows well after walking on it several times in his childhood with his grandfather.

My maternal grandfather, François Gouzenec, was a local celebrity. He remembers that he was familiar with the coast and the name of each bay and point. He was also a good storyteller and loved to tell the tales associated with him.”

famous rocks

Throughout the visit, Marc Arzel recounted the construction of the Pors Péré dam with stones taken from a nearby quarry (in which cows were formerly grazed), or gravel-hunting parties that today are called “Old Hunting”. Participants discovered famous rocks such as Karreg Beuzec where the Estrid ran aground in 1933 with her cargo of oranges, Porz Kazeg (Port of the Persians), Porz Rouedou where sailors laid their nets to dry or Ber ar Vran (tip of the crow).

Pedestrians lamented that the tables bearing the names of the tables and points that Mark Arzel put forward in recent years are regularly vandalized.

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