Science and education – UNESCO will support many projects
Projects for the advancement of science and education. Students’ access to public secondary schools will improve in the municipality of Manombo Sud and Ankiluac, in the Toliara Region. Women will receive training to become pillars of sustainable development. The local community will be educated and trained on comprehensive forest scrap restoration issues. Islands and islets around Madagascar will be located and identified. The Malagasy National Committee staff will benefit from capacity building. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has agreed to fund these projects to promote science, culture and education. The Partnership Agreements between the Malagasy National Commission for UNESCO and the leaders of projects supported by the UNESCO Participation Program were signed yesterday in Anosi, in the presence of the Minister of National Education – and the Chair of Commune for UNESCO, Dr Marie-Michel Sahondarimalala. The deadline for completing these projects is December 31 of this year.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”