Rugby: Suresnes 17 – VRDR 21 contract is painstakingly fulfilled

Rugby: Suresnes 17 – VRDR 21 contract is painstakingly fulfilled

Valencia Romain Drome rugby got scared in the huge Arena Paris La Défense, an arena that seemed to put Drômoise’s team through a fever, especially in the first half as the Parisians were able to advance their game at the expense of shy and awkward checkers. Balust, Brayer and Emmerson scored all three attempts for VRDR but Suresnes saved the defensive point late in the game. It will be necessary to give fewer balls to opponents in the future.

Comments: Valerie Lombardo and Patrice Cayet.

The main actions of the match

Final score: Suresnes 17 – VRDR 21

Yellow card against play by Mahoney, New Zealand 3rd line Drômoise

78 ‘ Penalty kick for Soresnes, carrying the ball and attempting a penalty kick earns them bonus point Suresnes 17 – VRDR 21

74′ touch at 5m for a sorceress who is trying everything for everything, recovering VRDR that eliminates danger…

70′ instant reaction from Suresnes who brought the danger 5 meters away from Drômois in goal through Pick & Go’s shots. without consequences.

68′ Mason Emerson’s strength test at the conclusion of a powerful invasion, Laurie turns Suresnes 10 – VRDR 21

64′ Axel Bruchet replaces Charles Breyer in the checkered third row

Things are better in a checkers position with more commitment, but hand and forward errors are still too many and spoil valuable opportunities.

52′ Peter van Liel is replaced with Teuk Mahoney

50′ Suresnes opted for the penalty rather than a potential turn, their forward attempt was denied, Drômois’ defense again surprised.

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46 ‘ Damier pushed forward through the Parisian defense, and Charles Breyer scored an attempt on his first term. Suresnes 10 – VRDR 14

45′: The coach changed the hinge and entered Laurier and House. In the front line Zuhair (left column) and Bourgeois (whore)

43′ penalty for VRDR who chose the penalty at 22. New folly spoils this opportunity…

12:09pm VRDR starts the second half and seems to be making a better face

HALF TIME Suresnes 10 – VRDR 7

36′ Johann Authier’s men finished the half faster but lacked precision and faced a tough Parisian defense.

30′ Drômois is still losing a lot of balls. Scrum doesn’t dominate either, but a good point of contact on the other hand is with Alexis Armary.

28′ Penalty kick attempt at 50m for Soresnes: Suresnes 10 – VRDR 7

Injured Cyril Balust has been replaced by Kevin Goze.

25 ‘ Cyril Balust scored the editorial attempt, valid after several plays. Suresnes 7 – VRDR 7

17′ Checkers are frenetic and often punished, perhaps the effect of the ring as the Greens and Blacks shoot all cylinders and press.

15th’ Juris Mora misses an opportunity to reduce the penalty kick to 30 m.

12′ A hard blow to VRDR, Tim Giresse left with a wrist injury, replaced by Dug Codjo (first entry of the season).

11′ Suresnes scored a superb attempt in the 50 metres, piercing the well-penetrated Drôme defense. Suresnes 7 – VRDR 0

6′ Checkers cross 22m Sorens with a ball carried at 5m but they expose themselves to negatives against a very cheerful team.

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Sorens puts pressure on from the start, and VRDR struggles to break out of 22.

11:16. Kick off the meeting between Suresnes and VRDR by Cédric Pasteur judging by the France Comté commission.

VRDR . Configuration


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