RN radically changed his tone with Giorgia Meloni – Libération

RN radically changed his tone with Giorgia Meloni – Libération

In Paul

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After abandoning its German partner, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), the far-right party is turning to the president of the Italian Council. A development given the ancient and somewhat modern relationships between the two formations.

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Pretty Melonie, your pretty eyes make me die of love, otherwise: I die of love you make me, pretty Melonie, your pretty eyes? The tune is not quite ready yet, but the National Front has put its best poets to work. since The alliance with the German far right has been broken once and for all After another Filonazi announcement from the head of the list in the European elections, Marine Le Pen's friends are discovering attractions that have been hidden until now from the President of the Italian Council. “Georgia Meloni, we have known her for a long time, we have supported her and why not, yes, a large Europe-wide group that is both nationalistic and conservative.”courted the RN mayor of Perpignan, Louis Alliot, on Wednesday on TF1, swallowing the Lepénists' traditional aversion to the term. “governor”.

The previous day, Jordan Bardella's campaign manager, Alexandre Loubet, posted on his networks a photo denouncing the Eurosceptics of François-Xavier Bellamy, candidate of the Left Party, and Ursula von der Leyen. Another visual she has

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