Review of the comedy starring Maren Krojmann, Barbara Sokwa and Heiner Lauterbach

Review of the comedy starring Maren Krojmann, Barbara Sokwa and Heiner Lauterbach

The comedy Descendants for Advanced Readers with the trio Maren Kroymann, Barbara Sokwa and Heiner Lauterbach opens in cinemas this week. Here you can find information about the sequel “Descendants for Beginners”.

‘The trio of pensioners returns’: More than three years after Maren Kruymann, Barbara Sokowa and Heiner Lauterbach invaded German cinemas with ‘Descendants for Beginners’, the charismatic seniors are returning to the big screen. Whereas director Wolfgang Gross (Cold Feet, Faking Hitler) once had them dealing with the perils of aging, hyperactive children, and strange parents as temporary grandparents, they are now given a new task to distract themselves from the dreariness of everyday life. being a senior.

Karin (Kroiman) has recently returned from her adventure in New Zealand – and now she is embarking on the next adventure with Philippa (Sokowa) and Gerhard (Lauterbach). The three work together in the school store. There they have to deal with homework help, defiant children, and mature teenagers. “It starts with extra tasks, and then it becomes unpaid extra work,” says hippie anarchist Philippa, who sets a debatable pedagogical standard for at least one of her young students – including the wisdom of free living.

Gerhard’s pedagogical sensitivity could also be improved, at the very least. Instead of the doctor willingly helping student Yasmine (Kaira Ivey), he is forced to grade her request (“Come on, old white man, help me with the CV!”) in the grammatically correct manner of a senior teacher. But despite the obvious differences, the distinct generational project grows closer together over the course of the comic.

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The misanthropic Karhard, the freedom-loving hippie Philippa, and the level-headed housewife Karen alone would offer enough comedic potential. This doesn’t change in director Wolfgang Gross’s second film. And because screenwriter Robert Lohr has so much fun exploiting the age differences between the trio and their young counterparts, cinephiles can also expect fun comedy in Descendants for Advanced Readers – albeit with one or two clichés.

Source: teleschau – mediendienst GmbH

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