Recent fixtures at Espace Costes

Recent fixtures at Espace Costes

Located in the heart of the village, Espace Costes is a very interesting and informative place for Nayracois and the people who pass through. The last arrangements consisted of a light colored ground cover, a sapling of fallow flowers in the middle, and the installation of waste poles (glass, yellow sacks, black sacks). This space makes it easy to stand but also to organize festivities. Thus, during the summer the garage sale, trout meal, Saint-Etienne festival and rural farmers markets found an ideal location and welcomed many people. It is also the starting point for the Aqua Trail circuit. There are still a few plantings to do during the fall and this place will be a real green and woodland in the extension of the Square des Fleurs, just beyond.

But this space has a story that Lucette Costis-Casal was kind enough to tell. It was his great-grandfather Etienne Costis who acquired this property which went to the crossroads of La Fontaine, where his company has since been established with his house and two dwellings. Subsequently, his grandfather Adrian and then his father Adrian and uncle Marius were the owners of this group. When the current service station was built, Marius’ house was demolished and little by little the adjacent land was sold to Town Hall becoming the Espace Costs as we know it today.

The cost of these latter arrangements was: €39,548.50 HT (floor coverage, landscaping, accessibility for people with reduced mobility). Several aids received:

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District Council 25%, State 35%, Occitanie District 20% and easy financing for this work which gives a good image of the village.

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