Penthesilea Academy offers a support program

Penthesilea Academy offers a support program

TRAUNKIRCHEN. As reported by Tibbs, there is a big commotion looming in the Traunkirchen community. In late summer 2021, Penthesilea Academy will be held for the first time under the direction of professional musician Karin Bonelli.

Penthesilea Audition Academy aims to accompany talented young flute players on their way to a positive test experience for large orchestras. The orchestra’s broad repertoire should be developed within the Academy. In individual coaching, mental and physical balance is enhanced, in group the qualities as a “team player” in the orchestra are honed.

In addition to the academy, there will also be an extensive cultural program. The first highlights will now be announced.

“With Karin Bonelli, this unique academy has a wonderful director who now also offers an interesting and exciting support program.“ I am delighted that the Penthesilea Academy is taking place in Traunkirchen with this broad support program, ”said Mayor Christophe Schraugel.

the program

The Eggner Trio will be having a concert in Traunkirchen on August 28, 2021. The Austrian Eggner Trio is one of the most famous piano trios of our time. The trio is a regular guest in major concert halls such as Wigmore Hall London and Concertgebouw Amsterdam and has played in several festivals. Tours have led the Eggner Trio to Japan, Argentina, Uruguay, USA and several times to Australia and New Zealand.

On August 31, Vienna’s Paganini band will hold a concert in Traunkirchen. With the name Niccolo Paganini, we connect exceptional dexterity and strength on the violin. We remember reading that the women of society passed out in rows at his concerts. Paganini Ensemble Wien is dedicated to rarely performed compositions. Paganini’s chamber music compositions demanded a lot from their artists. Be it the violin, guitar, viola or violin – there is no pure ‘accompaniment’ to the playing, because every musician faces the ultimate challenge in these pieces, including their single parts. With these rarely played pieces of music, the band offers unique insight into Paganini’s extensive work of violin, guitar, viola and violin.

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On the 3rd of September, Folded Radio will be launched. These are excellent wind musicians who play a wide repertoire. For more than ten years, talented musicians have proven in their many acclaimed performances across the German-speaking region that they not only provide the best excellent musical skills, but also the best of entertainment.

“I look forward to implementing the Academy and a beautiful support program in the Traunkirchen community,” says Academy President Karin Bonelli

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