PAMMERZ.  Lycée Perrin: women in science in the spotlight

PAMMERZ. Lycée Perrin: women in science in the spotlight

Several rooms at Berrien High School are named after female scientists. In honor of Women's Day, the Science Room was named after Rosalind Franklin.

Female scientists are in the spotlight at Berrien High School, where some classrooms bear their names. Concretely, for two years and at the initiative of life and earth sciences professors Elise Joly and Laurie Bouchard, high school students have been investigating a long-form research project on women in science. Especially those who have won a scientific award and are recognized nationally or internationally (e.g. Nobel Prize, CNRS Medal, etc.) or are considered reference authors in a distinguished research field. The names of some of them have been attributed to the rooms or laboratories of the great Abame High School. Mr. Vivod and Magali Ihongo supervised the production of the paintings at the Irene Cros site. The first science room, which was renamed the Emmanuel Charpentier room, was inaugurated on March 8, 2022, in the presence of the “Women of Science” association in Toulouse. Other panels have been installed since then, including the last one on Friday for Women's Day, with a science room named for Rosalind Franklin. “The project carried out at Perrin High School aims primarily to acquaint the students of the 1ère and CAP School of Car Drawing with the place of women in science,” points out Elise Joly. The work is undertaken by identifying some important contributions to scientific history and then asking what obstacles were encountered and the strategies applied to overcome them. Then by asking about the position that women occupy today in the fields of research. At the Castilla site, work continues through constructive meetings, in particular those convened by Karine Estelle Kone, researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research in Moulis and laureate of the UNESCO-L'Oréal Foundation. She came to present her journey and work to SVT first graders on Friday, March 8. “The aim of her intervention, which was in the form of a discussion and debate, was to show that women also have their place in research,” notes Elise Joly. A rich initiative in schools aimed at encouraging young girls to pursue scientific and technological careers. With significantly improved knowledge of sectors and professions.

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