Oklahoma passes law banning post-fertilization abortion

Oklahoma passes law banning post-fertilization abortion

An abortion debate at the Oklahoma Capitol in Oklahoma City on May 19, 2022.

Thursday, May 19, the Oklahoma parliament passed a law banning all fertilization abortions, making this conservative stronghold in the southern United States the most restrictive regulation in terms of voluntary termination of pregnancy. (IVG).

The vote comes in the context of jeopardizing the right to abortion at the federal level. According to a document issued by PoliticoAnd The United States Supreme Court appears ready to reconsider, fifty years later, its landmark decision to protect abortion.

The law passed in Oklahoma will go into effect once Governor Kevin State signs it. The Republican had already indicated that he would sign any text that imposes further restrictions on abortion.

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Kamala Harris immediately denounced the decision of the Oklahoma legislature in the name of “The latest in a series of blatant attacks on women by elected officials”. A few months before the midterm elections, the vice president called for Americans to elect leaders who would defend the right to abortion At the local, state and federal levels. ‘It has never been so urgent before’She said Twitter.

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Denouncing those who resort to abortion?

Inspired by a law adopted by Texas in September 2021, the text voted in Oklahoma opens the door to lawsuits by private citizens against people suspected of having had an abortion. The definition of abortion, according to the text, does not include Use, prescribe, supply, or sell oral contraceptives or any type of emergency contraceptive or contraceptive.

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Planned Parenthood, which advocates for the right to abortion, has announced that it will do so “Su Oklahoma”. “This ban must be stopped – along with all other bans that this state has been through in the last month.”Planned Parenthood continued on Twitter.

On May 3, Governor Kevin Stitt announced that he had signed a law banning abortion already after six weeks of pregnancy. “I want Oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country.”He said, using the term used by Americans opposed to abortion.

Oklahoma has been welcoming thousands of Texas women seeking abortions for several months, after a similar provision was passed in September 2021 in this neighboring state.

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