New Zealand will open its doors to vaccinated travelers on April 30, 2022

New Zealand will open its doors to vaccinated travelers on April 30, 2022

The news was expected.

It has now been two years since New Zealand closed its borders to travelers. The country just announced that it will host Again for international travelers from April 30, 2022, provided they have been fully vaccinated.

The reopening plan presented by the New Zealand government will be implemented in phases.

The premiere is scheduled for January 16, 2022. From this date, New Zealand will open its borders to “fully vaccinated New Zealanders, residence visa holders and other eligible travelers as per our current standards from Australia from 11:59pm on January 16, 2022 (provided they have been in Australia or New Zealand in the last 14 days)” .

The second stage will start on Sunday February 13, 2022 at 11:59 PM. Fully vaccinated New Zealanders and other eligible travelers will then be able to travel to New Zealand from all other countries.

From April 30, 2022, all fully vaccinated people will be able to travel to New Zealand, with a phased reopening.

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