New Zealand: Ardern, I thought I wasn’t a badass – Asia

New Zealand: Ardern, I thought I wasn’t a badass – Asia

Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s prime minister, did not feel “strong enough” about politics. She revealed herself in an interview with CNN.
In general, he said, it is assumed that politicians “must have very thick skin” and cannot be “sensitive people” or “show sympathy or sympathy from the outside.”
“Probably the biggest drag for me was the fact that I didn’t necessarily think that the things I cared about and valued most were the things that would be easily accepted in politics,” Ardern told David Axelrod of All News. .. “I talk a little bit about feeling that I’m not strong enough for the political environment.”
Ardern has led the New Zealand Labor Party since 2017, the year she was appointed prime minister after winning a coalition election with the Conservative New Zealand First Party and the Liberal Green Party. In October 2020, Ardern won a second term, this time with a landslide victory that allowed Labor to rule on their own.

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