New Zealand: Ardern fundraiser with cocky commentary – Panorama

New Zealand: Ardern fundraiser with cocky commentary – Panorama

Opposition politician David Seymour and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern pose with a signed printout of protocol in which Ardern insults Seymour. Photo: ACT Party / dpa

Putting an embarrassing microphone breakdown to good use: Prime Minister Arden and opposition politician Seymour launch a fundraising campaign following a row in Parliament. The result: around 60,000 euros for cancer patients.

WELLINGTON — Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s prime minister, has turned her insult of an opposition politician into a donation to cancer patients. During a parliamentary debate last week, Ardern called the leader of the liberal-right ACT party, David Seymour, an “arrogant prick”.

Ardern and Seymour have now auctioned off an online abuse spell, fetching the equivalent of nearly €60,000. The money will benefit prostate cancer patients.

The microphone was still working while commenting

Ardern’s comment wasn’t meant to be public, but she didn’t realize her microphone was still on. The entire room could hear it, and the insult was recorded in the official written minutes of the discussion. The Prime Minister apologized to Seymour. Then the two came up with the idea of ​​an online auction.

The framed printout of the minutes of the meeting, signed by both of them, attracted 282 bidders to the online platform. Since the proceeds will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation New Zealand, Seymour said, the money will benefit “bars everywhere”. Foundation President Danny Bedingfield said the campaign is making a huge difference to men and their families living with the disease.

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