New Press.  French service space in town hall

New Press. French service space in town hall

Since 17 May, users of the Neuf-Brisach Town Hall have been able to meet the director of the new Espace France Services (EFS), Véroniqua Siméon. The young woman operates one local store that brings together several partner departments (DGEF, Pôle Emploi, CAF, MSA, CPAM, Carsat, etc.). Its mission is to support people in their administrative procedures related to health, taxation, family, retirement, employment, etc.

Véroniqua Siméon, who was hired specifically for this position, was previously an Executive Assistant at Alice-Mosnier College in Fortschwihr. She has a BTS degree in Computer Science and Management, and she notes with relief that her daily schedule begins to blur every week.

My role is to support people in their administrative procedures, guide and direct them to the appropriate interlocutor and assist them. The requests are very diverse, it can also be a request for a gray card, for a solution to the problems facing the heirs’ pension, for an appointment with CAF, as assistance in setting up a site for taxes, etc. ‘, she explained.

To this end, a free access room has been made available to all so that people who do not have a personal computer can access the computer tool.

Direct contact with the referees

Other advantages of this multi-departmental office, direct telephone contact with referrals allowing to expedite procedures, particularly with the courts, and for young people to get an appointment with a counselor from the local mission in the field. recruitment.

“The services of Espace France in Neuf-Brisach are, completely free, open to all residents of the CCPRB (Community of Municipalities of the Rhine-Brisach) region and beyond, but sometimes, when they come from further afield, I show, adds Veronique Simeon, who admits that she has been greatly affected. A special strong thanks to a 91-year-old man who uses his services.

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For Richard Alvarez, Mayor of Neuf-Brisach, this partnership with other state services “is an opportunity” for his municipality in two ways: “It allows users to access a range of daily services, and it allows Neuf-Brisach to fulfill its ‘downtown’ role by offering additional services to the residents of Neuf-Brisach.” Small towns facing desertification of public services.

GO THERE Espace France-Services, town hall, 4, rue de l’Hotel-de-Ville in Neuf-Brisach, Tel. 03 67 04 00 12, mail [email protected], open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., preferably by appointment

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