New format on Saturday 1: Counselor candidates face joint questioning in a semester – entertainment

New format on Saturday 1: Counselor candidates face joint questioning in a semester – entertainment

It is not yet known if Armin Laschet, Annalina Burbock, and Olaf Schultz (right) will be there. Photo: Imago Images / Sven Simon

French President Emmanuel Macron has shown the way: now chancellor candidates are also supposed to be questioning the class. Saturday 1 adapts to the international political format “classroom confrontation”.

Before the federal elections on September 26, 2021, chancellor candidates will face private questioning. Sat.1 will bring the international format “Facing the Classroom” to German TV. In it, politicians are faced with classroom questions.

There is still no German title or broadcast date to format. However, according to the message, it is already clear that everything should be broadcast on prime time. The station has yet to reveal which of the best candidates will be the candidates. It is not currently known if Armin Laschet (60, CDU), Annalena Baerbock (40, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) and Olaf Scholz (62, SPD) will be available.

Macron and Ardern have already participated

International colleagues, including French President Emmanuel Macron (43) and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (40). They have already participated in the releases of the show. In addition to the party programs, the program also includes questions from school subjects – including English, mathematics, and geography. Politicians should then be categorized by students. Broadcaster Daniel Rosman explains on Saturday 1: The candidates show themselves “from one side we rarely see in regular election campaigns: friendly, understandable and direct.”

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