Netflix sci-fi series has been strictly canceled: This is how Star . reacted

Netflix sci-fi series has been strictly canceled: This is how Star . reacted

  • Sophie Waldner

    toSophie Waldner


In November 2021, Netflix launched a new science fiction series. Fans were eagerly waiting for her. But then, Netflix made an unexpected decision.

broadcast service Netflix*He had high hopes for the new science fiction series Cowboy Bebop. After all, she could shine with a star cast. And fans finally wanted to see the series. In November 2021, it’s finally time. Just three weeks later, something happened that no one expected. Netflix has made the decision to cancel Cowboy Bebop. A slap in the face to the fans. But also for the actors. Netflix star John Cho, who plays Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop, couldn’t believe it himself. In an interview with the American magazine The Hollywood Reporters He tells us how much soul and spirit he put into the anime adaptation.

‘Cowboy Bebop’ went viral — this is how Netflix star John Cho reacted

He says the news of the series’ quick cancellation shocked and disappointed John Cho. “But I was very pleased with the response,” he adds. He would like to immediately reach out to everyone for a hug. For “Cowboy Bebop” the actor had to put up with a lot. And his family supports him, too. “We filmed the series in New Zealand, so my family moved there. It was just a big event in my life and all of a sudden it’s oversay the opposite Hollywood Reporters.

Read also: ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ on Netflix: Fans can look forward to a movie project.

‘Cowboy Bebop’: John Cho was seriously injured during the production of Netflix

The Netflix star also explains that he injured himself while filming. follow one Surgery and rehabilitation. In order to regain his full fitness, he had to take a year off. “It was a huge mountain that I had to climb to recover from this injury. The result was good for me,” Chu said. After a long recovery process he It’s back and the series is over. As it turned out, unfortunately without the desired success. (swa) * is a display of IPPEN.MEDIA.

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