Mélenchon thanked for his ‘support’ by China: LFI leader’s words are not unanimous in Nupes

Mélenchon thanked for his ‘support’ by China: LFI leader’s words are not unanimous in Nupes

Jean-Luc Mélenchon a qualifié le déplacement de Nancy Pelose à Taïwan de “provocation”, affirmant égallement qu’il “n’y a qu’une seule Chine” en référence au territoire continental et que “Taïwan est à une composente de être China”. The words that sparked controversy.

“Thank you, Jean-Luc Melenchon, for his consistent support of the one-China policy.” Thus, the Chinese Embassy in France thanked the leader of rebellious France after his remarks on the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. The former presidential candidate had called the trip a “provocation”, also saying that “there is only one China” in reference to the mainland and that “Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.” , and addressed a term advocated by the regime in Beijing but rejected by the authorities in Taipei.

Read also:
Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan: Judge Melenchon’s “provocation”

The statements of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, defended by his rebellious allies, in particular Manuel Bombard, did not resonate in the French political world. Within the left-wing coalition Nupes, PS Vice President and President Olivier Faure ruled on Twitter that “the desirability of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is questionable, and the will of Taiwanese to live in a democracy is not.”

Chance to visit N.Pelosi for #Taiwan Debatable, the Taiwanese’s desire to live in a democracy is not.

– Oliver Faure August 5, 2022

Julian Bayo, MP and EELV National Secretary, even denounced Melenchon’s comments on Twitter: “He talked about ‘provocation’ when democratic Ukraine was defending itself in the Donbass against authoritarian Russia.”

Melenchon spoke of a “provocation” when a democratic Ukraine defended itself in the Donbass against authoritarian Russia.
He talks about “provocation.” #Taiwan When … this country is acting freely against China.
A democratic country is necessarily a “provocation” of the dictatorship.

– Julian Bayou (@julienbayou) August 5, 2022

“China is a dictatorship. The Taiwanese are free to act themselves,” said David Cormand, environmental activist at EELV. While he distanced himself from the LFI captain saying: “Not in my name.”

Not in my name.
The pessimism of the diversion of letting the executioners pass on their shoulders is the eternal dialectic of dictators and the justification of their cruelty.
China is a dictatorship.
Taiwanese are free to act themselves. https://t.co/laHAaxN2BH

– David Corman\ud83c\udf3b\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa (DavidCormand) August 5, 2022

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