Mega Garchomp raids reveal an unexpected gender shade in Pokémon Go

Mega Garchomp raids reveal an unexpected gender shade in Pokémon Go

Mega Garchomp’s Raid day has passed, but it seems some players have been confused by a “weird” discovery regarding gender.

This weekend was a big one for Pokémon Go fans who are eager to see the arrival of Mega Garchomp’s Raid Day. Trainers all over the world prepared to face this formidable opponent known for their great strength.

Although the event was a success, with Trainers taking advantage of the increased number of Ranged Raid passes and the increased chance of encountering the Shiny Garchomp, it was not without its share of surprises.

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When Pokémon Go players got their share of Garchomps during the special event, one player in particular took to Reddit to learn more about the “weird” detail he noticed.

The player showed off six of his Garchomps in an in-game screenshot, but one stood out with a different dorsal fin.

The Garchomp in question had a complete fin without any cuts, which was a significant difference from the small cuts on the dorsal fins of the other five Garchomps.

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It didn’t take long for passionate Pokémon fans to chime in to explain the reason for this difference.

The answer lies in a subtle but important difference: male garchomps have a cut in their dorsal fin, while females do not. These simple details distinguish between male and female, giving each a unique look.

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This discovery surprised many Pokémon Go players who were not aware of the gender-specific characteristics between Pokémon. Some shared their surprise in the Reddit thread with comments like: “I’ve never noticed Garchomp having a gender difference.”

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However, many players seemed surprised that there were Pokémon Go players who didn’t know that Pokémon had gender differences.

Others offered advice and comments to the clueless player, writing: “A good rule of thumb is that when you see small (sometimes larger) visual differences, it’s usually between males and females.”

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