Meeting with David, cartoonist, Municipal Library, Liberty Square, Espace Kohler-Chauquet, October 9, 2021, Châteauneuf-sur-Loire.

An interview with David, the cartoonist
Municipal Library, Liberty Square, Espace Koehler-Schöke, Saturday 9 October at 9:00 am.
Daoud is the designer, among others, of the four “ultra” volumes written by Frédéric Maupumi and published by Editions de la Gouttière. Exclusive beauty and monster granny! Mandatory registration in the library and request for a health card.

Daoud is the designer, among others, of the four “ultra” volumes written by Frédéric Maupumi and published by Editions de la Gouttière.

Municipal Library, Place de la Liberté, Municipal Space Library Kohler-Choquet, Place de la Liberté, Kohler-Choquet space, Chateuneuf-sur-Loire Chateauneuf-sur-Loire

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2021-10-09T09:00:00 2021-10-09T17:30:00