Meerkat offspring keep the family busy

Meerkat offspring keep the family busy


© Duisburg Zoo (dpa)

Duisburg Zoo

Duisburg (dpa) – Four cute meerkats are currently sailing through their fence at Duisburg Zoo and increasingly on expeditions.

Meerkat’s mother, Sophie and her partner, gave birth to Elvis for the second time. The zoo announced that the smart gang, who is already six weeks old, is now increasingly leaving a protective procreation box in a warm stable, keeping the family on their toes. Young meerkats are the first offspring in Duisburg this year.

The head of the family, Sophie, is especially hungry at the moment. On the menu are fresh mealworms, grasshoppers, and sometimes an egg. While the boss feasts on food, the rest of the family keeps an eye out for cute little predators – and they have plump paws to do.

“Raising small animals is not just the responsibility of parents, all family members look after the little ones.” Biologist Volker Groen explained that at least one adult animal is always present in its vicinity.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210226-99-606102/4

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