Matry: Gusta berries, watermelon cantaloupe, sweet cabbage on the edible way to school

Matry: Gusta berries, watermelon cantaloupe, sweet cabbage on the edible way to school

On the way between elementary school and middle school in Matrei, there was an enthusiasm for knocking, shoveling, planting and painting in the last week of school.

rainy About 100 students from both schools participated in the design of the edible way to the school. Four plant beds in the drawing lessons were drawn in advance, then assembled together under expert supervision and planted with all kinds of known and unknown berry bushes and herbs. Project Director Petra Obojes-Signitzer and her team have been constantly busy mentoring committed students. Many plants come from their own garden in Schöfens.

great variety

“The taste of the leaves is full of sweetness, even though there is no sugar in them!” Ryan marveled while tasting the herbs. Romede enthusiastically painted “Mausemelon” – the fruit plant known as Melothria – on a botanical poster. “But kiwi grows only in New Zealand!” The girl wondered when she discovered the little kiwi. It’s actually a little experiment, as well as tried and tested berries, Gusta berries, corn berries, and of course, strawberries. “This shows we have a variety of foods that can be grown and used,” says Obojes-Signitzer.

collective enthusiasm ال

In addition, the students learned a lot during these farming days in operating the station. And last but not least, nearly 60 botanical dashboards and signs have been designed. “I can still learn something there!” Says a walker who was happy with the colorful beds and assorted plants. Commenting on the successful campaign, Martina Mader, Principal of the Elementary School, said: “The children were very happy – and so were the teachers.” Pfoner Mayor Alexander Woertz also admired the very impressive raised beds: “It is important to me that our students learn how food grows, because what they experience is more important than what is said!”

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Interreg project

As president of the association, Woertz is responsible for the schools in the four municipalities of Pfons, Matrei, Mühlbachl and Navis and thanks the project manager Obojes-Signitzer and all involved in this job for the implementation of the Interreg project. “Precious Wipptal” also collaborates with the Fruit and Horticultural Association and is supported by Raika Matrei and the Schafferer Company. In summer, the plants are watered by community workers and are available to all walkers to taste. Because the Precious Wipptal enables community farming projects to be implemented as spaces of experience for everyone. More information is available at

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