Lisieux: Artists Helen Benayon and Catherine Grensner will exhibit their work at Espace Victor Hugo

Lisieux: Artists Helen Benayon and Catherine Grensner will exhibit their work at Espace Victor Hugo

Catherine Greensner (left) and Helen Ben Hayon will exhibit around forty works at Espace Victor Hugo from August 1 to 13.
Catherine Greensner (left) and Helen Benhayon will exhibit around forty works at the Espace Victor Hugo in Lisieux (Calvados) from August 1 to 13, 2022. © B.Deltour

“This is the first time we have had the opportunity to perform in Lisieux and we are pleased to do so in this beautiful setting,” the two artists confirmed in the chorus. After an artistic meeting, Catherine Greensner and Helen Benhayon sympathized and expressed their desire to perform together someday.

If their worlds are different from the point of view of inspiration and the media used, “Nature brings us closer,” Helen Benhaon identifies. Highlighting their work and the artists’ mutual vision in their work.

About forty works

They chose together as a wink the title of the show, Lady Nature gameIn fact, it reflects both their work and the common point that connects them: the work of nature.

“If I work on the body, I also work in my own way on nature and flowers, because nature and man are inseparable, and the body is like a landscape, it is a small world, but I focus on man”

Katherine Greensner, artist.

The artist trained as a designer, regularly works in the press and the audiovisual sector. All in pastel colors and Indian inks, in gold leaf and sometimes even in natural elements such as leaves and wood, his paintings show his enduring attachment to freedom and, through feminine nudes, celebrate human warmth and life in all its dimensions that the artist cherishes. .

Helen Bin Hayun and Mother Nature

“When I was very young, I said I fell into a pot of paint at birth, and I’ve always liked to put my hands in the paint,” smiles Helen Benhyun. Après une longue période professionnelle durant laquelle elle n’a jamais cessé de peindre au contact d’autres artistes, Hélène Benayoun a finalement trouvé, avec la peinture à l’huile, le média qui lui redonne du er touch de plais, colors.

“I love challenges, it is the color that guides me in my subjects, eg blue while in confinement, the sky is heavy and tormented, there is green, the knife gives strength to the subject while staying soft, sometimes the context also inspires me”

Helen Benayoun, artist.

“There’s a nice echo when you look at our work together, we’re really two illustrators and that’s nothing,” Katherine exclaims with a laugh.

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Brigitte Biedfert, The Magic of Words

Finally, two afternoons during the fair, the two friends will receive writer Brigitte Biedfert to sign her penultimate book, Le roman d’Eloise et Abélard. Because “literature is another form of artistic expression” the two women conclude in unison.

Videos: Currently in Actu

Painting exhibition by Catherine Greensner and Helen Benayoun Monday, August 1 to Saturday, August 13, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dedication by Brigitte Biedfert of Le roman d’amour d’Eloise et Abélard, in date editions, Friday 5 and 12 August, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Espace Victor Hugo, put Boudin Desvergées in Lisieux.

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