Jones on the horizon?

Jones on the horizon?

While he should not continue to venture at the helm of England, Eddie Jones will be in the small papers from Racing 92, who would like to draw on his experience, in the post-World Cup phase.

Racing 92 wants to continue its lead. While Laurent Travers has been at the helm of Ile-de-France since 2013, including the top six along with Laurent Labit, the only title added to Ciel-et-Blanc’s roster is the French Champion, who won against Toulon in In 2016. So that the club based in Paris-La Défense Arena is still in the Champions Cup competitions and is fourth in the list of the top 14 teams, three points behind the leader Montpellier with two matches remaining, Jackie Lorenzetti has already turned his head towards the future.

If he did indeed introduce Laurent Travers as his successor to head Racing 92, the business recently mentioned a technical overhaul. ” We do not deny ourselves anything in timing or nationality. And it’s not about the fact that Laurent Travers can retain control until 2024Jackie Lorenzetti captured the newspaper the team. There are clubs that the president thinks he is the coach, not here. »

Jones, a potential big hit for Racing 92

However, according to information from the British Trade Journal rugby paperAnd The Racing 92 leaders will be on the other side of the channel. At the end of his contract with the English Rugby Union (RFU), Eddie Jones should not extend his lease at the head of XV de la Rose. The Russian Federation has even confirmed that the New Zealander’s successor will be named before the upcoming World Cup.

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The former Japan coach will be at the top of the list drawn up by Racing 92 to strengthen his technical team, avec une arrivée d’Eddie Jones qui n’aurait pas lieu avant la conclusion du Mondial 2023. L’idée serait de compter sur un entraîneur très expérimenté avec l’ambition de faire franchir un palier au club francilien de six ev years. With three victories in the Six Nations Championship and a World Cup final in the lead, Eddie Jones fits into the chests created by the Racing 92 chiefs.

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