Jan Böhmermann: “Nobody wants to watch German films”

Jan Böhmermann: “Nobody wants to watch German films”

Can’t Germans enjoy good entertainment? Why don’t German films get an Oscar? These are the questions Jan Böhmermann asked yesterday at ZDF Magazin Royale. He then took on German film finance and finally came to the conclusion: “Good German films are not made because of the German film funding system but in spite of it.”

More than 400 million euros annually

After addressing the same stories, similar titles and a lack of female lead roles in German films, Boehmann explained that virtually anyone who makes films in Germany depends on film funding. He explained: “German film funding distributes more than 400 million euros every year. There are many different film funding agencies. The funding comes from taxes and broadcast fees, among other things. There are film sponsors at the European level, at the federal level and of course there are some at the state level. And they all operate according to different procedures.”

Old recipes instead of innovative ideas

As a brake on creative approaches to German film, ZDF Magazin Royale identified several points. For example, films that have already succeeded will be funded with similar content. In addition, donors will have to say: “For example, ZDF, RTL and WDR participate in Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. And when TV stations have a cart full of money at their door, they can, of course, have a say in which films are funded and which are not. fund it,” says Boehmermann.

Quote from director and screenwriter Julia von Heinz these words: “We are looking for projects with regional reference, patriotic material, preferably dialect, comedy, and extreme drama: serious topics, easy to take, with a wink. In the end, solve and cure all conflicts. Or times of historical crisis that go back so long that we no longer have to worry about photography.”

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Regional interests and long operations

Taking into account the regional interests of donors also plays a role, Boehmermann says. For example, a movie may have to be shot in several federal states. In addition, television will not only have a say in who is being funded, but also for non-industrial employees of state chancellies and ministries of federal states – or even individuals according to the principal’s principle. In addition, Boomermann addressed the lengthy processes that led to the approval of the financing. Filmmakers will have to struggle through the application and selection processes for up to seven years.

In the end, Jan Böhmermann asked the #allesdichtmachen campaign: “I have an idea. Couldn’t an internet satirical campaign start with bitter satire against the corrupt German film funding system? Against the government’s power over our art, so German film would be better? Does anyone want to participate?”

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