Interesting ‘gateway’ on Mars captured by Curiosity rover

Interesting ‘gateway’ on Mars captured by Curiosity rover

The planet Mars still hides many mysteries, and the photos taken by the transmitters there do not cease to amaze. Thus, the Curiosity rover was published pictureOn Saturday, May 7, it shows a rectangular, door-like opening in the wall.

The image was taken by the Curiosity rover on Mars on May 7, 2022 (NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS)

Some space hunters viewed it as an access attained by an intelligent life form, which would secretly live on Mars or would have lived there long ago. But the reality seems much less exciting. Sorry, NASA Didn’t Find a Secret Door on Marswrites the American specialized site cnet (in English). the magazine sky and space It is believed that this could be a sign of landslides after fractures in the rocks. To support his hypothesis, he published every two months an image showing the area in question on a larger scale.

“It’s not a ‘real’ door, but a crack in the sediments of the area, and it’s very diverse”wrote on Twitter Eric Butlander is a freelance journalist who specializes in space issues.

This isn’t the first time a photo taken by Curiosity has fueled the imagination. In 2015, some saw a flying spoon on the Red Planet. NASA explained that it is actually a smooth and polished rock formed by erosion. Previously, some believed they saw a lizard or even a sandal in the photos taken by the rover. These misunderstandings, these misinterpretations, are what scientists call pareidolia, which results from the brain’s ability to perceive familiar shapes in anything, such as animals in clouds or the face of Jesus on toast.

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