In Morlaix, after the opening of the “Science Space”, what should we do in the factory?

In Morlaix, after the opening of the “Science Space”, what should we do in the factory?

How much space is available for the Morlaix community in the factory?

After SITA closed the last tobacco factory workshop in Morlaix in 2004, thousands of square metres were left empty, a stone's throw from the city centre. When the buildings were put up for sale, the Morlaix subsidiary CCI was the first to buy almost all of them. The Morlaix community then bought everything, making a total of 20,000 square metres. First to install your bench. It was the starting point for the revitalisation of the Mano area. “The CCI had a good intuition because it made it possible to preserve almost the entire collection,” says Yvon Hervé, president of the community at the time.

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