In Algeria, a man missing for 26 years was found kidnapped in his neighbor's house

In Algeria, a man missing for 26 years was found kidnapped in his neighbor's house

An Algerian who had been missing for 26 years was found kidnapped in his neighbor's house in a village in central Algeria, authorities announced on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

The Public Prosecutor's Office in the state of Djelfa, 300 kilometers from the capital, said in a press statement that the 45-year-old man, who disappeared in mysterious circumstances without a trace in 1998, was found in a neighbor's house after being searched from… He was accepted by gendarmes after a conviction published on social networks. Algiers, where these amazing events took place.

It was held in a cattle barn

According to local media, the man was detained in his neighbors' livestock barn in the village of Al-Jadeed.

Relatives, citing media, claimed that during his captivity the man could see and hear his family members through a hole in the fence. “But she was unable to scream or flee because of the spell her captor had cast on her.”

The prosecution determined that the suspect, a 61-year-old local municipal employee who has been living as if nothing had happened all these years, has been arrested and will be tried after being interrogated.

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