Ice Capture Mastery event on Pokémon Go: date, rewards and more

Ice Capture Mastery event on Pokémon Go: date, rewards and more

Pokémon Go has revealed information regarding the Ice-Type Capture Mastery event. Here’s everything you need to know.

In March 2023, Niantic hosted a Capture Mastery tournament featuring Kapoera, Kicklee, and Tygnon. With increased chances of encountering Shiny Pokémon, players can encounter Fighting Pokémon more frequently in the wild.

This time around, Pokémon Go is focusing on the ice creatures Stalgamin, Grelaçon, and Hexagel due to their proficiency in Ice-type capture.

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Hexagel in the Pokémon seriesPokemon company

If you’re interested in participating, read on for more information about wild encounters, rewards, and more at this event.

Pokémon Go Ice-Type Catch Mastery Dates and Times

According to the official Pokémon Go blog, the event will be held on Saturday, December 9, 2023from 10 am to 8 pm local time.

Wild Encounters from Pokémon Go’s Ice-Type Capture Event

Below are the Pokémon that will appear frequently in the wild while mastering the Ice-type capture:

A Pokemon marked with * may appear shiny.

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Field Research Mission Encounters for the Pokémon Go Ice-Type Capture Mastery Event

During the event, missions that focus on the accuracy of throwing the Poké Ball will appear. Here are the Pokemon you can encounter by completing Field Research quests:

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A Pokemon marked with * may appear shiny.

Pokémon Go Ice-Type Catch Mastery Event Reward and Instant Study

  • Increased chance of encountering Hexagel, Grelaçon and Shiny Stalgamin
  • 2x XP for successful captures using Great, Super, and Excellent throws.

The one-time research will focus on catching Ice-type Pokemon, and completing 10 sets of research tasks will give you a total of 40 Hexagel encounters.

That’s everything you need to know about the Ice-Type Capture Mastery event! Check out all our helpful guides.

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