Highlights of today’s documentaries on TV: “The Villages of Mount Carinthia – from Drutal to Lysachtal”

Highlights of today’s documentaries on TV: “The Villages of Mount Carinthia – from Drutal to Lysachtal”

Looking for documentary tips for Sunday? We have selected for you the best recommendations from the TV show. Whether it’s a documentary nature, a reportage or a documentary series: here you’ll find an overview of really interesting TV shows. his job!

With news.de weekend documentary tips, you are well informed today, whether it is a documentary series, a nature documentary or a reportage: we have once again found four worth-watching documentaries from the TV show, so that you can only watch the best at the end of this the week. These are the documentary tips for today.

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Reportage: “Mountain villages of Carinthia – from Drautal to Lesachtal” (1:05 ​​pm on 3sat)

Legendary, rooted in mountain agricultural life, secluded – these are the mountain villages of Carinthia. The documents show the change in these villages from the 1950s to the present day. From Maria Luggau in the remote Lesach Valley via Irschen to Mallnitz in “Hohe Tauern National Park,” the film leads to places that have changed dramatically since then. For example, the former mining village of Bad Bleiberg has become a developed health resort. Heiligenblut has seen tourism spikes with the expansion of the Grossglockner High Alpine Trail.

This report on 3 saturday It takes 25 minutes.

Documentary Series: “Awesome” (1:50 PM MDR)

Perhaps the most diverse, varied and therefore the most beautiful part of the German coast: the stretch between Darß and Usedom. Here you will find everything a tourist’s heart desires: trendy seaside resorts and old Hanseatic towns, artist towns and fishing villages, Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park, lighthouses and chalk cliffs, full beaches and secluded coves. And of course the two largest German islands are Rügen and Usedom. In one of his “Sagenhaft” film series, Axel Bolthaupt sets out on a journey along the coast of West Pomerania.

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This documentary series MDR It takes 88 minutes.

Documentary Series: “UNESCO World Heritage – Eternal Treasures” (4:25 PM Arte Time)

The Estonian capital Tallinn has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997. The UNESCO Committee has honored Tallinn as “an exceptionally completed and well-preserved example of a medieval commercial city in northern Europe”. The first Estonian settlement appeared in the 12th century, and in the Middle Ages the place gradually turned into the city of Reval, which is now called Tallinn. The city walls made Rival one of the strongest castles in northeastern Europe in the Middle Ages.

This documentary series Good heart It takes 55 minutes.

Nature documentary: “Our green planet” (7:30 PM ZDF)

Although plants often get little attention, they are the secret rulers of our green planet. The variety of their shapes and colors seems endless and ranges from tiny microscopic algae to giant sequoias. But surprisingly, we know so little about the life of plants. A lot of this happens on time scales that we can barely perceive. Indeed, dramatic struggles occur between plants for the survival of themselves and their offspring.

Documentary about nature ZDF It takes 45 minutes.

If you are looking for exciting movies, series or other sports programs in TV show, you will find them in our section the news Many TV recommendations.

TV program data from the FUNKE media group was used to create this article. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact [email protected].

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