High quality but little harvest

High quality but little harvest

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Harvest period is not yet complete, but estimates will not be ignored: compared to previous years, New Zealand crop numbers will be much lower, With explosive consequences for the market of one of the most sought-after and under-appreciated wines. But the coin has another valuable side: the expected quality is out of the ordinary.

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a Climatic mix As they had not seen since ancient times in the land of the gods kiwi: Gorgeous summer and refreshing spring, complete with late ice weather spread throughout the area. To this must be added High labor costsInflated due to a shortage of candidates due to the iron shutdown of national borders by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern: Very strict measures have nonetheless allowed the country to be contained very well. The COVID-19 pandemicSo much so, that it’s a case study.

All that has been described will compete for one Increasing export prices, Which will coincide with that with one Higher than normal quality: “We expect an exceptional wine of this vintage style,” says Philip Gregan, General Manager of New Zealand Winegrowers. “The reports we have come to speak of diversity in full swing; with some differences between regions, but we are Really quite sure even there is less return than in the past. “

New Zealand wine, the most valuable gem of which is undoubtedly Sauvignon Blanc, contributes a great deal to the country’s economy: it is the sixth most exported commodity in the country, with more than 100 million states and nearly 100 million countries reached. One and a half billion dollars. The main recipients are the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Brazil. “In the past twelve months, we have seen a surge in demand for our wine,” Gregan continues. “This Our weakest reservesThat will not be replenished by the meager harvest on the way. “

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The consequences will largely fall on basements, which, given their unavailability, will have to decide which channels to provide: “We are already registering some channels. Very strong positions on the part of the producers: It will be this way throughout the next year, but we have to look at the situation positively. Such an important demand is a symptom of the appreciation and reputation of our wines In the future it will always be bigger. ”

Source: rnz.com

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