GIM-Uemoa launches program to benefit secondary school students in Uemoa District |  Apa News

GIM-Uemoa launches program to benefit secondary school students in Uemoa District | Apa News

After Ivory Coast, Senegal will host this program offered by the Interbank Monetary Group – Uemoa (Gim-Uemoa), which aims to generate skills in the field of payments.

The initiative, called the “GIM Trilogy,” includes three programs, including GIM Vocation, GIM-Human Capital Development (GIM-DCH), and GIM-Regional Center for Payments Innovation (GIM-CRIP).

The “GIM vocation” program aims to spark interest among high school students in key technologies, including cybersecurity, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. This is with the aim of influencing the payments sector by awakening the skills of learners in these fields in the future.

On Monday, April 29, 2024, the Lycée Mamie Faitai de Bingerville, a distinguished secondary institution, located east of Abidjan, hosted the first day of an information and awareness tour, which is scheduled to last four days throughout the national territory.

According to GIM-Uemoa Director General, Coulibaly Mignane, after the Lycée Mamie Faitai in Bingerville, where the GIM Vocation Program was launched in front of the first-grade classes, the Lycée Sainte Marie in Cocody hosted the second day the next day.

In front of more than 200 second-year students at Lycée Sainte Marie de Cocody, in eastern Abidjan, Mr. Coulibaly-Mignan explained the importance of new technologies in skills acquisition.

“Our primary concern, really, is to encourage trades from high school so that these areas that include trades and jobs are mainstreamed and can benefit all of our high school students,” he declared.

“Oftentimes, unemployment can also be a routing problem. Donc, we donnons les outils and les clés à nos licéens de l'espace Uemoa », at-il soutenu, avant d'ajouter qu'«« on a commencé par la “Côte d'Ivoire, in Sénégal and other countries.”

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He continued that the goal of this initiative is “to enable all secondary schools in the WAEMU region to better navigate this new world that requires skills in technology and we have provided them with these different capabilities.”

Coulibaly Mignane noted that the foundation plans to “repeat this practice every year, as much as possible.” GIM-Uemoa is therefore assuming its “social responsibility” by implementing this GIM Vocation programme.

This regional entity also intends to support and facilitate the educational infrastructure of various countries by helping major schools and universities obtain educational courses on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology through the GIM Human Capital Programme.

He noted that the GIM Regional Center for Payments Innovation (GIM CRIP) program consists of “selecting students who have interesting business ideas and entrepreneurial ideas to solve the problems we face in the region.”

“We explained to the children that blockchain is a technology to solve the problems of trust, transparency and traceability. He explained that artificial intelligence is the technology that makes it possible to make technology work as humans think.

“Combining all of this with cybersecurity can help generate new ideas. Ultimately, it is about having vibrant SMEs and skills for our existing businesses that face security issues or innovation challenges.

To my father

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