From GT3 to L’Espace sports program Welcome to 2024

From GT3 to L’Espace sports program Welcome to 2024

The 2023 season is barely over, and L’Espace Bienvenue is already looking towards next season. In 2024, André Grammatico’s campaign will combine “continuity and progress”. » The great leaders of FFSA GT on board the BMW M4 GT4, Riccardo van der Ende and Benjamin Lessinis, will continue in GT4 next year but will focus on the European Championship, which is still in the Silver category. A campaign that comes ten years after the team won the Am title.

At the national level, L’Espace Bienvenue will once again enter a BMW M4 GT4, with technical support from its partner Racetivity, for Carla Deppard and another yet-to-be-identified driver. The team also confirmed the acquisition of a third BMW M4 GT4, the sports and dual program of which has yet to be determined.

The Ultimate Cup Series will continue the plans of André Grammatico and his gang in 2024. In addition to the GT4 in the Sprint and Endurance, L’Espace Bienvenue will enter a BMW M6 GT3 in the Sprint.

We’ve expanded our race car fleet, welcoming a third M4 GT4 and our first GT3The team leader confirms. We have an exciting season ahead of us as we will be competing in the two major GT4 championships as well as the Ultimate Cup Series which has been a success for us in 2023. There are still a few positions to fill in the cockpit! »

Read also > Andrei Grammatico: “There was no doubt that I would race anything other than a BMW”

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