Frogwares accuses Nacon of software piracy and issues purchase warning

Frogwares accuses Nacon of software piracy and issues purchase warning

Frogwares is still fighting with Nacon (ex-Bigben). The publisher gave them the original version of Sunken city It helped, but since then the relationship between the two companies has run into serious trouble. The French publisher’s developer studio is accused of infidelity and breach of contractual agreements. So the horror game was out of some digital stores last August Was painted It can no longer be temporarily purchased digitally. However, at the start of the year, the title was resold registered.

At the end of February, there is a new Steam release of Sunken city Appeared before Frogwares Explicitly warns. They write on their social media that fans should definitely not purchase this product through Valve’s PC distribution platform: Frogwares released this version of TheSinkingCity […] Offered for sale on Steam, not yet created. We do not recommend purchasing this version. More news soon. “

Tonight the developers are presenting their research results in a single image Long article (Alternatively, there is also a Video matching). They have raised software piracy allegations against Nacon, because there are clearly indications that the Steam version is a modified version of the title that comes from another digital platform. This release was made without their knowledge and consent and is now available for sale on Steam.

The team lists realistic digital fingerprints and they have apparently managed to identify the alleged hacker – allegedly an employee of Neopica, which Nacon acquired in 2020. Frogwares is now taking further legal action against Nacon and asking all players to stop buying Sunken city Expected on Steam.

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Sunken city

Those: IGN.

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