Freshness to go to Montauban

Freshness to go to Montauban

The Drum deal had only five short days to wipe off the wounds in soul and body after the brutal defeat in the Dauphin derby on Sunday 18 April at the Pompidou Stadium in Valencia. And in the famous Sapiac bowl, rugby players will drop squares, penultimate and low again, one of their last cards to save themselves in the class. Because after that, they will only have a Nevers reception on Thursday 6 May and a final trip to Ounax on Thursday 13 or Friday 14 May, two big teams are still playing their place in the finals.

This means whether this trip to Montauban is the capital of VRDR reduced in its rear lines with the absence of Englishman Callum Wilson (migraine), posterior Charles Boulder (wrist) and Quentin Jopt (knee) plus wing Edward Sawillo (fragment). Glitches at the end of Sunday’s match against FCG were added to the hamstring rupture of first-time player Lucas Chuvet, whose season may be over. Injuries to be added in front of the column are Julian Roer (shoulder) and Teo Hanoiere (back).

Javaux is in the extended suite

And when we know that it will be the eleventh meeting in a row, with two days of less rest, for the Valencia Romance, the ability to recover from Sunday’s efforts will undoubtedly be the capital of tomorrow. “We will give the team an inevitable freshness,” said Johan Otier on the evening of the derby.

While the American Montalbanis will be deprived of his staff Benoit Zanon and Yassem Butamami, the prostitute Cyril Diligny, the third grade Simon Oger, the middle Maxime Matthey and the back Pierre Clor (suspended), the Valencia-Roman manager kept his speech at his fifteenth start with ten alternations of Grenoble reception and an extended seat ( Twelve players).

On the frontline, if Georgian Merian Bordoli retains his position, young Sami Zuhair sends Romanian Ionil Badiou off the bench and South African Judy Jenker finds his place in the heels at the expense of Roman Colliet (on the bench). South Africans John Adrien Grunewald and Francois Owais (this last move in the group against FCG) will make up a new second-tier, Florian Jumat will bring fresh blood in the second half. In the third row, if Willie Ndiaye and the New Zealander keep going, Captain Alexis Armari (paid) will make way for Vincent Barrier who will wear the captaincy again for the occasion. Benjamin Collett and Namibian Peter Jan Van Lyell must be responsible for their substitution during the match.

New to the wings

It’s a breakthrough news look that will be responsible for the direction of the match with Matteo Lowry (who plays against FCG) in the opening and goal dual role alongside Enzo Sanga, who sends Nicolas Faure in the long run. Bench. That’s where we notice the return of Maxime Javaux, which we haven’t seen on the set since the reception at Biarritz on March 5. But the future Colomeren, who at the time of his “disappearance” from the team, was the third goal scorer in the division, would he be in the Group of 23?

In the back, the pair of mediators will be Argentine Lucas Minsa, who scores 9e Term and Jonathan Queenies, Jeremy Scales left the group after Grenoble (Fidjian Aquila Tabalevo returned to the extended group). If the other Argentine, the primary Segundo Tuculet, logically retains its place at the rear, modernity is on the wings (Christopher Lacour finds the seat). On the one hand, a third period this season (after trips to Perpignan and Carcassonne, where he scored an attempt) from the young Nader Bouhjour and on the other hand, Australian medical clown Latifunomano Latonipolo (24 years old) arrived from Bayonne (top 14) a few weeks ago. There is no doubt that the performance of the latter will be carefully examined in Montauban,

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